Saturday, June 8, 2024
Mendirikan Komunitas TemanBaca Quran
Friday, June 7, 2024
Zakatnya Ilmu (+Notice!)
Friday, January 5, 2024
Things to Do When Feeling Blue
When the days feel blue, what are you gonna do? Indeed, its a fair thing for us to have disappointing moments. Being sad is one thing, but being hopeless and giving up is another topic.
There are many suggestions about what to do when we are lowest low. But here are the five things that works for me.
1) Interacting with Qur'an
Thursday, January 4, 2024
5 Apps for the Creative Minds
Hi! It's quite late but I am currently joining a challenge called One Day One Post. Today is the fifth day and the theme is about five apps you cannot live without. But, to add more spice, I am gonna share with you about 5 Apps I Use for Creative Minds.
They are simplistic, basic, yet all-in-package of everything I need to use to handle my creative mind. Too much noise in mind might just disturb my days. Hence, indirectly they are apps I cannot live without.
Curious? So, here are five apps I used to cope up with my wild and limitless mind.
1) Keep Notes
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Chamomile Tea
Bahas chamomile yuk! Lagi kangen banget sama teh satu ini. Teh bunga kering berwarna kuning ini adalah andalan ketika rasa cemas mulai naik. Ya, saya adalah penyuka chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea paling enak diseduh ketika masih hangat. Apalagi saat uapnya masih mengudara. Aromanya menenangkan dan rasanya pun lembut di lidah.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Room & Linen Spray Rahasia Tidur Makin Rileks ♡
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Tips Membaca Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk Pemula ㅡ Agak Malas, tapi Efektif!
Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya saya menuliskan tips membaca buku bahasa inggris untuk pemula yang efektif. Kebetulan tips ini sering diminta oleh kawan-kawan yang sedang semangat belajar bahasa.
Awalnya, saya ragu ini adalah tips yg benar atau tidak. Sebab, langkah-langkah yang saya lakukan ini terkesan cukup pemalas. Saya tipikal pembaca gradakan, alias tebas saja. Hehe.
Ternyata kemarin, setelah mengecek beberapa tips "membaca efektif" justru langkah-langkah pemalas inilah jurus jitunya. Wah, menarik! Baiklaah mari kita spill tips membaca efektif buku berbahasa inggris versi saya.